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A piece of Medan's history at Tjong A Fie's House Tjong A Fie's house is a two-lane house built by Tjong A Fie, a Hakka trader who owns a lot of plantation land in Medan. In this house, visitors can find out the history of the life of the Tjong A Fie family through photographs and paintings installed, as well as home furnishings used by the Tjong A Fie family.
Great Mosque of Medan
One of the traces of the triumph of the Deli Sultanate in Medan Medan Grand Mosque or Great Mosque Al Mashun is a mosque built in 1906 and completed in 1909. Having a typical Middle Eastern, Indian and Spanish architectural style, this mosque is octagonal and has wings in the south, east, north and west which can accommodate up to 2000 worshipers.
Maimun Palace
Deli Sultanate Palace as an icon of Medan City Built in 1888 and completed in 1891, the palace covering an area of 2,772 m2 consists of 2 floors with 3 parts, namely the main building, left wing building and right wing building. Maimun Palace is a Deli Sultanate palace that was designed by Italian architects with a blend of elements of Malay culture, Islam, Spain, India and Italy.
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