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Located in the Blok M Square complex, The Little Tokyo is a nickname for the area because of the many restaurants and entertainment venues that are nuanced in the Japanese state. Every year the location of The Little Tokyo is often used as a place for Ennichisai's Japanese culinary and cultural events
Langsat Park
Located on Jalan Langsat Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, precisely behind the Barito Bird Market, this nearly 3.6-hectare park serves as a place for holding plant seeds and landscaping extension areas. Langsat Park is also the right place for morning sports addicts who want to breathe fresh air while enjoying the shade of the trees accompanied by the sound of birds singing.
Surabaya Street
Located in the Menteng area of Central Jakarta, the name Jalan Surabaya is already familiar to antique lovers. Here visitors can find a pile of items that have historical and high-value stories, ranging from antique telephones, various Chinese jars, VOC-era money, statues, ancient lights, small teapots and tall glasses from ancient times in ancient Java to be found here.
Blok M Culinary Area
In addition to little Tokyo, enjoying culinary tourism in the Blok M area is also an activity that is a pity to miss. At night, visitors can enjoy a variety of traditional culinary delights that sell in the Blok M Square area. Hundreds of types of culinary can also be enjoyed while sitting at a table or chair or sitting in the area provided.
Jin De Yuan Temple
Jin De Yuan Temple, also known as the Dharma Bhakti or Hokkien Kim Temple. This temple was built in 1650 under the orders of Lieutenant Kwee Hoen Tek. With an area of 3000 m², this temple can be used for religious rituals and is also a special place for Chinese New Year celebrations. The Hungry Ghost Festival and Lantern Festival are also commonly held on the temple grounds.
Fatahilah Museum
At first the 1,300 m² Fatahilah Museum functioned as the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East Indies company which was built in 1707. Having a collection of around 23,500 objects, the Fatahilah Museum has collection objects from the Dutch East Indies company, Betawi-style furniture, 16th century maps , replica of the Tugu Inscription and also a replica of the Padrao 1522 monument.
Jakarta Cathedral
The Jakarta Cathedral Church has the official name of Santa Maria Protector Appointed to Heaven. This church has extraordinary neo-Gothic Catholic church architecture. Having three main towers, two of these towers have a height of 60 meters and are referred to as "Fortress of David" and "Tower of Ivory", while one other magnificent tower with a height of 45 meters is referred to as "The Angelus Dei Tower".
Istiqlal Mosque
Recorded as one of the largest mosques in Southeast Asia, the Istiqlal Mosque has a giant dome, seven main entrances and twelve round columns that give a grand impression on this mosque. Built to commemorate Indonesian independence, this mosque was opened to the public on February 22, 1978 and can accommodate more than 120,000 worshipers.
Monas or National Monument is a 132-meter-high memorial monument built to commemorate Indonesia's independence struggle in 1961 and opened to the public in 1975. The monument has a gold-plated fire tongue that symbolizes the blazing spirit of Indonesia's.
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